Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our "window of opportunity" is beginning to open up and it's time to initiate our February position. It's a new year and with it comes the hope that the economic recovery will be confirmed by the guidance from the 4th quarter earnings announcements to come out over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Just in case things aren't as rosey as the Market has priced in we'll make sure our position is properly hedged to protect us from a downside earnings season surprise. Volatility has come down to more comfortable levels with the VIX closing under 18 on the 11th. But we'll stick with our Calendar and Butterfly strategies in case the apple cart gets upset.
We are in a Market Structure Stage 2 on the Daily Chart, and a Stage 3 consolidation occurring on the 30m Chart. So we'll set up for business with a Calendar Spread at the 114 strike:
Open - 6 Mar/Feb 114 SPY Call Calendars for about $0.98
Hedge the Calendars:
Open - 1 Feb 108 SPY Put at about $0.98 (1 covers 6 Calendars)

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